Turning Rejection into Connection in your DMs

How I turned crickets in my dms during my last launch into delicious cricket tacos (aka a totally revamped content strategy and offer suite)

My last launch was a total fail. 


About a month ago, I was selling the second go-round for my new(ish) group program after coming off of a completely unplugged vacation and the high that I had sold-out my first cohort. 


Could be that I'm still living in delulu, or that I have the eldest daughter “how hard could it be?” gene… but I threw my entire launch routine out the window and just went fucking rogue. 


Zero pre-launching.
Zero setting the scene.

Zero foreplay.


Which, I'm not sure if you know this about yourself (and the rest of your fellow community members here), but you, fucking love foreplay.


And I should've known.

I, also, LOVE foreplay. 


So while on paper, filling zero of the remaining seats during the launch looks like a total fucking fail, I decided to turn all these crickets into delicious chile-lime tacos.


Or, in maybe a less controversial example:


I decided to turn all the REJECTION into CONNECTION.


Putting on my big girl britches and venturing into the DMs to question why no one loves me what made you NOT sign up was the hardest thing to muster the courage for, but holy shit was it the best thing I've ever done for my business.


Because the data. 




(my girl Jordyn is probably screaming + eye rolling “I told you so”)


What I learned about YOU (yes, you!) helped me NOT ONLY create a whole new launch plan from here on out, but ALSO pushed me to burn my content strategy to the ground and totally rethink how I approach everything, yes, even my offers. 😬



from just a few polls and having ACTUAL CONVERSATIONS with you.


(Who'da thunk that asking the people what they want would actually help?!)


…and because I don't believe in making you crickets and calling it pork, here's a few things I've learned:

  1. you want to be brought along for the ride, where you can see the idea come to fruition, from inception to execution

  2. you love a good behind-the-scenes moment, feeling like we're co-working in a coffee shop together

  3. you keep your summers sacred, and what you invest in most is family time, being unplugged and an ungodly amount of mocktails in the sun

  4. you'll watch stories that sell, but you gotta pull out the “big screen” (and that email that just hit) to make big purchases.

Did I miss anything? 🙃


Oh yeah, that you are ABSOLUTELY my favorite people and the more I learn about you, the more I fall in love with this business because the way you want to be led is teaching me that it's also the way I want to lead you.


That this relationship we have is one of my favorite rom-coms, with the slow burn foreplay but the really satisfying happily ever after.


TLDR; Don't be scared of rejection… turn it into connection with your people, and just watch the magic happen.


P.S. I have not tried crickets yet, and do not endorse this recipe until further experimentation. 

If you want to start showing up authentically and building a personal brand YOU LOVE and that your people can deeply connect with… I made a personal brand program, You're a Vibe, just for you.


Let’s do it!

I’ve developed lots of brand support options just for you. No matter what part of the branding journey you’re in, we should find a fit. From Brands-in-a-Day to Web and Social Media Design, I work in lightning-fast turn around to get you out the door and on your way to being your industry’s Go-To Girlie.


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