Create more freedom in your business.
Every Thursday afternoon I get to sit outside in the fresh fall air with one whole hour to myself. One hour where it's peaceful and quiet. One hour where there's shitty wifi, and my thoughts (or the book I'm reading) are only occasionally interrupted by distant farm sounds.
You see, Thursdays are riding days. Days where Rowan is off, out of my view (with a trainer of course) trail riding her pony, Lady Guinevere. The farm is semi-remote, so naturally, I have terrible service and from day one have taken this as a sign from the universe to slow down in this gift of a moment and do some personal check-ins.
Sometimes I'll read, have a brain dump session, or write to you, my friend. To be candid, this blog post you are reading was first written on some of the last blank pages of my notebook.
So yesterday's time started with a journal prompt that felt like making a really big to-do list… what do I want in 2023?
As I started to list these things that came so quickly to me, I realized two things:
I should really journal more often because it always leads to some clarity
Most of these things I can take action on today. I don't have to wait till '23.
For example, one thing I wrote down was “saying no to more" which I'm sure you've heard from so many other business owners before (insert dead horse being kicked… a terrible joke to make at a horse farm.)
I started to think more about that simple desire of saying no… the root of it being the need for more freedom or control over what I spend my time on. Why do I have to wait three months to take action on this?
Ok, I can feel you, on the edge of your seat just waiting to hear what I did about it last night (see, you can move the needle a little, like in a matter of hours, and impact everything in your biz!)
“I just made more time for the right things.”
If I'm wanting more freedom, and control over where I spend my time - I can literally just change my schedule. I can decline the PTA meetings (let's be honest here, I'm not a PTA mom), I can adjust my business hours, and I can even forgo hand-making my kid's Halloween costumes if I want.
Accepting this freedom of choice in my business (in a world that tells you to be all the things and take all the opportunities that come at you) was a lot like the realization I've had when I'm checking out at the grocery store and it hits me…
“I'm a full adult and can literally buy this snickers if I want, and my mom won't even tell me no.”
I make the rules!! (and you do, too.)
Wild stuff.
01. I adjusted my schedule for less availability for calls each week
02. I listed the types of projects and clients were firm “yes” and firm “no's”
03. I set my alarm for 5am where I have an hour of silence before girls wake
04. I scheduled my self-care: gym, zero-work days, and therapy
05. I set an alarm for a non-negotiable 10pm bedtime
Remember, you make the rules. Happy creating.