crossing “launch a target home decor line” off the list!

“The entrepreneurial urge to create a tiktok, course, youtube channel, launch a target home decor line, open a co-working coffee shop and write a book after listening to a single podcast episode.”

🎶 This is a story all about how my life got twisted upside down… from a podcast on a casual walk with my dog this week. So, if you'd like to take a minute to just sit right there, I'll tell you how I became the princess in a town called deranged. 🎶

This podcast episode (🎧 listen here) was so good and exactly what I needed to hear.


I noticed a familiar feeling, one that came on HARD the last time I hopped into a small biz podcast episode.

"I'm not doing + creating enough."
"I'm not doing enough."
"I'm not enough."

(Did you see that? The spiraling out of control?)

I heard VERY LOUDLY in my head… “I don't have a podcast anymore, I'm not on TikTok, I'm not a brand ambassador, I barely can get a few insta posts up. I'm not expanding into a YouTube channel, not writing a book and struggling to get a new offer out the door (if I'm honest).”

These are hard spirals to chew your way out of, and I feel like I'm still learning at a snails pace how to give myself grace in business. 

Progress is progress, right?! What if instead we thought about:

🥐 what's one new thing I tried this year?

🥖 what's one thing I removed that just wasn't the vibe?

🥨 where's one area I feel more confident in now?

For me, ONE year ago I had not sent one email. Now, I have a weekly email where I get to say whatever is on my mind without being salesy or talk about offers. (And y'all are affirming this IS the vibe!)

TWO years ago, I didn't have clear offers and stressed myself out over customizing every proposal and learning new platforms to be able to say yes to clients.

THREE years ago, I was pregnant and being let go from a corporate job and refused to upload my resume to Indeed again.

So cross those goals that make you feel less than off the list, and move them into a vision board or journal. Only let them live when they give you life.

P.S. You don't have to do it all to have it all, but if you want it, go for it. 😉 and if you need help, outsource that shit. It's way empowering (and faster!).

P.P.S. if you're like, “damn I'd love this as an insta post.look no further.


If content takes you more than 5 mins, do this:


i was given my first thong in a 6th grade secret santa.