Why You Should F*ck Around & Find Out with your Personal Brand


What if I told you that getting a little selfish and f*cking around and finding out is the answer to all your personal brand problems?

No, I'm totally serious. 


I know “selfish” is basically a four letter word to us moms, but if you haven't noticed, I fucking love four letter words.


I've spent the past year completely overhauling my daily routines and my mindset around myself because I felt totally lost in my business and life and how they worked together, and even more lost in who I was. 


It feels like an olympic sport trying to figure it all out. I didn’t have hobbies, I didn't feel cool, and when I looked at my life nothing seemed like it was minethere was nothing creative or romantic or savourable.


Not that I had time for it anyway. It was all just a list of tasks and emails separating school drop-off and taking chicken nuggets out of the oven. And then I'd wake up and do it all over again.


I realized my self-sacrificing was ultimately self-sabbotage.

It was time to get a little selfish, and reclaim my girlhood.

And you totally can, too… even if it's as little as:

🦋 wear those butterfly clips the middle school girls made fun of.
💅🏼 try out some new not-so-obvious nail polish.
📖 see if you’re into fantasy rom coms or psycho thrillers.

I need you to recognize that in order to define who you are (in life and as a personal brand) that you have the extreme privilege to fuck around and find out.

… and that it's the answer to a lot of your problems (that, plus snacks and a good nap.)

👀 What if instead of struggling between 6am and 8pm, your day looked more like:

1. You wake-up so excited for your day (that’s already loosely mapped out btw). It starts with prioritizing yourself… like lemon water and some yoga while listening to an audiobook.


2. You know exactly what three productive things you want to knock out today, and one of them is hitting “post” on the reel that you made last week and chatting on stories about this new offer you’re working on that you’re so excited about.


3. You capture life if you feel led and inspired to and post when it feels right… you own your content now, it doesn’t own you. You're both curated and authentic.


4. You've have never had more clarity around your messaging and strategy, and it all revolves around how you feel about yourself in life and business… and your community is taking notice.


5. Your day feels like a beautiful soft pretzel of work and life and they all just twist together to where it all feels so seamless and cozy and delicious.

(and now I want a hot soft pretzel 🥨… meet me at the mall?)

Anyway, it really can be all that, and I'm so excited to be beside you as you dive into this transformation. The world desperately need what you have.

If you want to start showing up authentically and building a personal brand YOU LOVE and that your people can deeply connect with… I made a personal brand program, You're a Vibe, just for you.


Let’s do it!

I’ve developed lots of brand support options just for you. No matter what part of the branding journey you’re in, we should find a fit. From Brands-in-a-Day to Web and Social Media Design, I work in lightning-fast turn around to get you out the door and on your way to being your industry’s Go-To Girlie.


5 Steps to Stop Struggling with Your Insta Stories


The 3 Things I Did to Find My Groove as a Personal Brand